Thursday, January 17, 2008

The Governement Can Save You All!!!!

You all know I’m not the best writer in the world but I need to vent a little.

Wow...her she goes again. Let's blame everyone (small business, big business, successful people) but our own government on the bankruptcy issues. Hillary thinks it’s the banks fault people are foreclosing on homes. Do you realize the biggest, most powerful business in the US is our own government? Who do you think takes the most money from you when you get your pay check, go out to eat, fill up your car with gas, take a trip and stay in a hotel, fly somewhere, and so on. The government gets a piece of your money no matter where you spend it. Hillary for some reason doesn't mention anything about the Truth-n-Lending and HUD statements that are required by government law to be given to everyone who applies for and receives a mortgage. These forms are developed and implemented by our government. What other forms do the American people need to see from our government to decide if they can afford a home? Let’s just keep adding things to government programs so our government can keep spend money in useless ways.

People need to be fiscally responsible on their own. If someone bought a home for an investment and it went south…that’s their problem. If someone bought a bigger house and felt they would make more money in a few years and could handle the payment…..that was their decision. You pulled money out of your house to pay other bills and now you’re at 100% LTV on your home…that was your choice. How about the government and the banks come together and help people refinancing their homes onto fixed rates? Fixed rates are at a two year low right now. People might just have to eat at home more often. Maybe this is not the year to go on the annual family vacation. You might have to buy a used car instead of new one. It’s amazing how much a family can save if they take the time to restructure their finances and not spend money on useless crap.

Now before you start sending me hate mail think about this? If you don’t hold people accountable for their actions they will never learn or make the necessary changes in their life. Your only hurting people by always bailing them out, not helping them. No one was forced into these loans. The welfare system is a great example of what could happen if we all go in and bail everyone out. The reason I say “we” is because we are the ones that are going to pay for it. Remember the government gets its money from us.

If you leave the market alone it will take care of itself. Do you think bad loans are good for the banks? Citi just reported a 10 billion dollar loss. The largest loss in American history by a company. They are letting go about 4400 employees. This should help those 4400 people make their house payments. Hillary thinks this is ok and she wants to give more money to the unemployed workers. What is wrong with someone who builds a company that makes that person wealthy and they take 100’s possible 1000’s of people down the same road of wealth or financial freedom with them? Is that so bad? I don't think so. I’m so tired of the “poor me” attitude.

To stimulate the economy you need to help companies grow and employ more people. People that have jobs can pay their mortgages. Boosting up an unemployment fund is going to do nothing but make people fall into the government system.

Hillary wants to have no foreclosures for 90 days and “freeze” adjustable interest rates for 5 years? First….this is impossible and can never happen. She is obviously fishing for votes with the “poor me” community. Second…do you have any idea if this did happen what that would do to the banking and mortgage industry? It would destroy the mortgage industry. You don’t just do stuff like this as a smart business person. If this “freeze” happens it would turn into another welfare system and 10's of thousands of people will lose their jobs. Everyone would try to get aboard and ride the wave. The banks will have to make their money in other areas which means people that are fiscally responsible will pay higher rates on credit cards, school loans, new home mortgages, bank fees, and so on. Someone has to pay for all of this. If you’re an average middle class worker that has any type of investment in a 401K, IRA, ROTH, etc you’re going to see very little growth in your investment. These big banks play a huge roll in your ability to retire through other investments. We all know Social Security is dead and if you don't want to work until your 80 you need these other investments.

The funds Hillary is talking about sound great political but…. who pays for these? Money doesn’t just fall from the sky. If they are going to continue to beat up businesses and take their profits, who’s left to pay for all these funds? This to me is so obvious. They want government to run your life. They try to make it sound all sunny. We "the government" will take care of you. Some of the smartest, hardest working and community growth people I know are small business owners. I know plenty of people that have turned their businesses into profitable and stable forces in the market. That's the back bone of our country. Out of all the government programs currently running how many are failing? Medicare, Welfare, Social Security, and Education to only mention a few. These programs have been failing for years. There is no accountability when the government gets a hold of something. Do you really want more government involved in your life?

How about California trying to say the government should run your thermostat in your house? I also heard the Federal Government wants to increase tax on a gallon of gas. The report is .40 over the next 5 years. As gas prices go up who is going to get the hammer for it. The government will be the first to say “big oil” is making to much money. The truth is the government makes to much money.

How long are we all going to let the machine keep pointing fingers at everything else but the problem? There used to be this little empire that collapsed or basically imploded on itself. Remember something called the Roman Empire? Look at our country and read about the Roman Empire and how it failed. It should open your eyes.

All of you are smart people and I ask you to please do your research and vote for the right candidate in your eyes. Most of you know I’m a conservative but I have really moved to an independent thinking. I’m not going to just give a party my vote. I’m voting on who I think is the right person to get our beaten country back on path. I don’t care what color, gender, or party they are part of. I’m looking at the facts and their history. No candidate can count on my vote until election day.

"The question really goes to the heart of what we are trying to do here." No Hillary the question was about freezing rates "Are you aware of any long term affects on the housing market and our economy this my cause?" You once again did not answer the question. All the candidates answer these questions the same way. I wish I could walk into a room with my investors and never answer any of their questions and get applauded for my answers. Yea right….I work in the real world where I have to be accountable in order to keep my business / job.


Goodboy Norman Featherstone said...

Right on Kirby! I agree whole-heartedly.

We're closet conservatives turning independents too. I for one have no idea who I am going to vote for this time around. There are too many big issues and no one is addressing them *all* the way I would agree with.

Maybe you should do a post about your current favorite candidate(s) and lend us your insight.

The Fun Park said...

That's a huge compliment. Thanks for the response. Maybe closer to Election Day I can give you my insight but right now I'm kind of lost and sorting out the issues and answers.

Goodboy Norman Featherstone said...

Yeah, me too :)