Tuesday, February 27, 2007

I Know I'm Going To Get A Lot Of Crap For This Photo

This is a photo from 1986 when I thought I was a rock star and a bike master. Here I am doing one of my cool tricks. Yes....that's a mullet and I was proud to wear it. Also in the back ground was my Grandfathers Scout which I bought and drove across country a few times. I finally retired it when I moved to Asheville from Redding. There is a lot of history in this photo. The good old days!

Who needs front breaks when you have shoes. I went through several pairs of shoes doing this.


Anonymous said...

Where you in the introduction to the movie RAD?

Dadageik said...

I got 2 words for you...

"Rock On"

I dreamed of mag wheels in 86' (and hair too)...

The Fun Park said...

White mag wheels are the shit! I wish I could get a set for my mountain bike.