Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Political Food For The Mind

At what point do our representatives start to listen to us? Who is supporting our government’s decisions? You tell me because this clearly shows people are not for what's going on.

Below is the President's Approval Index. The reason I’m showing this is not because I’m trying to bash on Obama. I’m simply showing this to show that as soon as the newness of this president wares off you will see the true opinions of the American people. The more this government speeds, keeps making foolish mistakes, and continues to not listen to the American people, you are going to see his numbers fall through the floor. At what point will the government start listen to the US people?

Here are a few other important numbers I looked at from Rasmussen.

Taxes Will Go Down

Gov't Spending Will Go Up

Congress: Excellent/Good

The US is on the Wrong Track

America's Best Days in Future

Tax Increases Hurt Economy?
Yes - 51%
No - 23%

Tax Cuts Help Economy?
Yes - 63%
No - 13%

Pay More than Fair Share of Taxes?
Yes - 52%
No - 30%
Here is the link to the entire report. After looking at this I finally don't feel alone.

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