Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Hold Your Elected Officials Accountable

I haven’t blogged in a while due to my extremely busy schedule and working hard to try and insure a future for my kids. At this point most of you are saying….here’s where he goes off on his little soap box. That’s not the case today. I have, as I’m sure you have, witnessed enough destruction to our country with our government thinking they know everything about business, and never having to be held responsible for any of their actions. We have all seen how our government can make deals WE THE PEOPLE don’t want, break contracts whenever they want, decided which laws they should and should not enforce, and so on. I have decided I’m going to continue to call my State and Federal officials but I’m going to tone down the blog. I ask all of you to please hold your representatives accountable for their decisions and actions. Do not just sit back and complain, but make a phone call, send an e-mail, or even write a letter.

I want to share with you a video. I ask you to please not alienate our country. This is an awesome place to live and a place where dreams can come true if you’re willing to work hard and make sacrifices. This country is ours not the governments. WE THE PEOPLE make this country what it is not the government. Good luck and God Bless America.

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