Lyn and I are heading back to the Big One in a few weeks for 8 days. It’s going to be nice to hang out with old friends, do a lot of couch surfing, and ski the best back country in the US. It’s a deserved trip for the two of us. The sad thing is the “Red Box” or other wise know as the tram is no longer there at the resort. It spent 40 years hauling skiers, paragliders, hikers, and runners to the top. I have some great memories on that tram. I use to ride that thing everyday. I worked maintenance on it, drove it, rode on the inside and on top the carriage, flung snow balls at it, and everything else you can image inside it. It’s a great part of the Villages history. Hopefully they will replace it with some as cool as the “Red Box”. Skies….check, boots…..check, skins….check, backpack…..check.
Only a few more weeks and I'll be here.
Well if you walk a short distance to the left of the tram photo I believe High Mountain Heli has a chopper waiting for you!
fRight in front of TVS. I might try and get a ride. Sometimes they are looking for an extra person or two
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