Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I Can't Take It!!!!!! I Need To Vent.

So we are prepared to collapse our economy because our Government feels they are the only one's who have the answers? Right....when has that ever worked? Let's just keep throwing money at a black hole and not actually fix anything. Does anyone understand that Government has no ramifications if something fails? Obama is already hot to trot on getting another stimulus rolling. ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME!!!!! STOP, PLEASE STOP!!!!! This doesn’t work, it hasn’t worked, and it’s not going to work. Bush tried this and what happen? I’m waiting for an answer, anyone…..anyone? That’s right….NOTHING HAPPENED!!!!! People paid down their debts and cut back on spending. Wait….hum….stimulus???? Definition: something that incites to action or exertion or quickens action, feeling, thought, etc.: The approval of others is a potent stimulus. Yea……how do you stimulate the economy? Add jobs and not Government jobs, but privet sector jobs. Lower taxes to the people who build businesses. Sorry, reality check time people. If you have money your more then likely able to build a business to invest your money in to make more. How do you do that? That’s right; you have to hire employees to do that. That means people will get paid to work. Now of course the key word is work.

Has anyone noticed that Capital Hill gave themselves a pay raise http://www.onenewsnow.com/Politics/Default.aspx?id=360044? That’s right, while you’re trying to hold your job, make your mortgage payment, or even trying to afford your yearly family trip, our Government officials get a pay raise. Come on people!!!! I know you all cannot believe this is ok? Who the hell got us into this economic situation? Our Government! So they get to point the finger somewhere else, unlike you at your job, and get a raise. If you screwed up at your job to the tune our Government does, you would be fired. They just raise our taxes to cover their expenses or failures. Nothing happens to them...hell they give themselves raises.

So now everyone is ready to hand our auto companies, banks, and health care over to these clowns. YOU ARE FREAKING NUTS!!! They have already lost track of $350 billion dollars they gave to the banks. Our Government is here to do one thing. Pass laws that protect us. We haven’t had an attack since 9/11 and I give them praise for that. They are not here to run businesses, invest in our financial institutions, and so on. GET OUT OF OUR WAY, and people like myself will bring back the economy and jobs.

One more rant that I know I’ll get a lot of s*** about. Stop with the global warming scare. If you want to live a more natural life style go for it. Stop making people live a life based on theories that have holes over it.

The 2008 top ten selling vehicles came out. #1 Ford 150, #2 Chevy Silverado, and we now have the fastest increase in ice on the polar cap in history. http://blog.heritage.org/2009/01/06/don’t-worry-al-gore-there’s-plenty-of-ice-for-the-polar-bears/. Wake up and realize you have got to take control of your own life. Do not let our Government take away your ability to think, achieve, and inspire to be more away from you. Wake up in the morning and look at your neighbor. If he has something you want ask them how they did it and strive for it, don’t be jealous. If your neighbor is struggling help them as much as you can.

Here’s one for you….HAVE SOME FAITH!!!!!!!

Thanks for listening. I feel better.


Dadageik said...

$350 BILLION...million is so 1980...

Who gives a crap about Polar Bears, it's like I tell Jake all the time-he'll always have pictures of snow, rain, polar bears, monkeys, rain forests...

I'm obviously on other side of global warming thing---gotta go, it's 76 degrees here in January!

Your pal in Norcal™-

The Fun Park said...

I'm glad it's 76 there becaseu it was 2 here and with the wind about -10. This is not about not caring. I'm simply saying live your life like you feel it should be lived. No way in hell will I let some clown in Washington make some big money by trying to scare me into something that no one can actually prove is happening. I don't put down anyone who recycles (we do in our house), I drive a car that gets decent mileage 25 to 30mpg, I cut wood for our stove from dead trees in the back yard and the surrounding areas, I try to be as paperless as possible at work, I try to live a somewhat health live, and I try my hardest to treat people with respect no matter how they are living their life. Have you noticed global warming is turning into being green? I don’t feel it’s happening, and especially not because of me or my neighbor. I have faith and believe things are so much bigger, and way beyond my abilities. That’s why I say, live the life YOU feel is right and respect your neighbor.

I miss singing about your pal in Norcal.
