Monday, February 04, 2008

Hillary Being Pushed To Answer Questions

From ABC News - Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., this morning left open the possibility that, if elected, her government would garnish the wages of people who didn't comply with her health care plan. "We will have an enforcement mechanism, whether it's that or it's some other mechanism through the tax system or automatic enrollments," Clinton said in an appearance on "This Week with George Stephanopoulos". Clinton went on to say, though, that such mechanisms would not include penalties. "They don't have to pay fines … We want them to have insurance. We want it to be affordable. And what I have said is that there are a number of ways of doing that. Now, there's not just one way of getting to that."

Please watch the link below. It's the interview between Hillary and George Stephanopoulos. George did a great job at pushing Hillary to answer the questions about universal health care. I encourage you to watch the entire video if you have time. My opinion, if you want the government to rule your entire life she's the one to vote for. If you have any goals to become more successful in life, she's not your candidate. Please be aware of what you’re voting for this year.

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