Friday, July 27, 2007

Tour de doping?

I have read a lot of blogs and the disappointment about the tour. Here's my view. There are dopers in almost every sport that has to do with putting your body through a physical demand (football, baseball, track and field, weight lifting, cycling, etc.). Because of the pressures in sports to excel and become the “rich and famous” it takes over most athletes. It’s too bad they don’t still have the same views we all have about cycling. I guess when a paycheck is associated with the sport you love it makes the sport look a little different. I cannot even begin to imagine living in Europe and trying to be a professional cyclist. You can go from zero to hero and back to zero in a few races. Unfortunately athletes are always going to be looking for the competitive edge….even if it’s through doping.

The great thing about the Tour and cycling is they catch the cheaters. What other sport puts this much attention and energy into monitor the athletes. Yes it makes cycling seem corrupt but the true facts are they just care and want to make sure the athletes competing in this sport are not doping or cheating. Could you image having dope check dates for football or baseball players through out the year? The sport would be dead. It does suck because of the drama it creates but at least for the most part cheaters in cycling get caught.


Steve said...

What about body building?

The Fun Park said...

Are you kidding me? Those guys are clean as a whistle. Right along with the WWF wrestlers.

Steve said...

Cycling cracks down on cheaters more than any other sport. It would be interesting to see if other sports will follow and get ride of them cheaters.