I had a convention in Tahoe at the Hyatt. We got there a few days early to spend sometime with some friends we have not seen in a long time (to long). We went to the air races and meet up with my good friend Dodd who I've known since the 4th grade and his wife Heather and their daughter Lula. We stayed with our friends Eric and Jackie's in Reno for a few nights. Grady and Ken made the drive over from the Bay and we did some mountain biking around Donner Pass. Rebecca made the trip over from Redding and stayed one night with use in Incline Village. I forgot my camera in Jackie's car so I don't have to many photos of the trip. It was a great trip and I cannot believe it worked out to see so many friends.

Lula going off the diving board. She has no fear!

Dodd and I standing in front of the jet he flys out of Fresno, CA.

Lyn, myself, Dodd, Lula, and Heather